For extreme conditions hard rock conditions such as Limestone, Marble, Granite and Medium to Hard Shale (10,000 PSI to 28,000 PSI Rock)
- TCI IADC 500 series sealed bearing cutters.
- Wear pads up to 16ƒÆ’†€™ƒ€ ‚„¢¡ƒ€š‚¢ƒÆ’†€™ƒ¢€š…¡ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢€š…¡ƒ€š‚ sizes and a Ring stabilizer from 18ƒÆ’†€™ƒ€ ‚„¢¡ƒ€š‚¢ƒÆ’†€™ƒ¢€š…¡ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢€š…¡ƒ€š‚ sizes and up.
- Want to add more cutters, IADC 600/700 series cones or different style wear pad or stabilizer? No problem at Radius we will build it custom to your specifications.
Cutting Size: 24"
Connection: 4-1/2" IF Box x Box;
Sealed Bearing Cutters: Quantity 6, 12-1/4ƒÆ’†€™ƒ€ ‚„¢¡ƒ€š‚¢ƒÆ’†€™ƒ¢€š…¡ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢€š…¡ƒ€š‚ IADC 500 Series TCI Cutters
Shaft Size: 6.5"
- Threads:
- 4-1/2 IF - Box - API
- Reamer Type:
- Hole Opener
- Outside Width:
- 24
- Brand:
- Radius
- Product Type:
- Reamers
- Ground Condition:
- Light Clay
- Heavy Clay
- Gravel-Cobble
- Shale
- Rock